Saturday, January 1, 2011

Photo a day. Day 31: Record a day.

So I was thinking that its hard to take a new photo each and everyday.. especially when all I do is ride my bike to work in the rain... I get it, you get it.. its raining.. how many beers do I need to drink in a week... yadda yadda yadda.... but i do like music... so for January, Ill do record of the day. Talk about when I first got the record/heard it. Why I like it/dislike it. you know.. the same old boring stuff. So without further ado... Day one: Rancid...and out come the wolves! I remember the first time hearing the whole album was from a tape that I got from Eric Stellick... it didnt have "Junkie Man" on the tape (cause you can only fit so many songs on one side of the tape or the other) So I got so used to it going from the track before to the track afterwards that when I got the CD it was all weird to me... why is someone scratchin records on this punk record... but from cut one to nineteen, this record is filled with pop melody and taught me a lot about how to throw 3 chords together and just float some words on the top.

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