Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Photo a day. Day 27: Nina, the littlest Matroyska

So Kristen knitted these dolls up for my mom for Christmas last year and this year when we went over to her house we read a story of "The Littlest Matroyska" where there were 6 of these nesting dolls (One inside another) sitting in a toy shop and the littlest one fell off the shelf and rolled out the door and was lost... this little girl buys the rest of the set for half off but all the 5 other dolls miss their little sister... eventually the littlest one, Nina, finds her way to the home and they are re-united and it feels so good... Sweet story... SO THEN... while we were at my moms, she brought out the dolls that kristen knitted and asked if we can add something to the biggest one... so we brought home the big one and the little one in a bag... when we got home Kristen opened the bag and there was the big one only... so she thogutgh she left the little one at my moms... oh well, we'll go back there later... next morning I came outside and saw the littlest one on the driveway, frozen from morning dew and sitting there on the ground cold and alone.. "OH NO!! Nina!!!!" so I grabbed her up and put her next to the heater to warm her up... and now this one has a name... Nina, the littlest matroyska!

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