July 5th 2003, At the drive-in was broken up and I saw that they had changed their name to "Sparta". (I didnt find out until later that they split and Mars Volta had the guys from ATDI that I liked) Sparta was playing at this club called "The Scene" and I had a couple bucks to go... "But Jesse, " you say, "Your daughter Mariah wasnt even a month old and you left your wife home alone with her?" Yeah, I was selfish back then... anyhoo... so I went to see Sparta. While I was in line I saw this homeless dude walking up and down the line talking to people... huge dreadclocks... beard that has been growin for years.. public enemy shirt..super skinny.. looks like he could use a big mac... anyway, he didnt come up to me.. went in saw an openeing act... saw "Noise Ratchet" (Pretty good little emo band) then the third band to come on had that homeless dude help them set up their amp.. Good for you man.. gainful employment! Turns out this band would be the hardest band Ive ever seen live... "Spare Change" The very first notes of the first song had the whole crowd screamin "Change" and only got more violent and intense from there... the homeless guy was actually in the band.. oops... awesome guitar play between both guitarist and that chick with the long hair on bass was pretty good too. I bought the disc that day... I didnt even want to stay for Sparta after that set. I dont think its in stores anymore but im sure you can get it somewhere...
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