Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Record a day. Day 30: Death Cab for Cutie 'The Photo Album'

I figured that since I started with a photo of records to start this that I could end it with the photo album... again, I first heard of these guys through Adam Powell. Obviously they got big (I wasnt on the wagon until they were big). I like this record... mostly for track 8, Styrofoam plates... a song written about Ben Gibbords fathers funeral... great lines through out the whole record but I love the line 'a bastard in life, thus a bastard in death'... I wish I could have a 'screw you' attitude like that but im too forgiving of a person. The Bjork cover at the end is rad. if you can, pick this record up before Plans.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Record a day. Day 29: Thursday 'Full Collapse'

I first heard of these guys through my friend Adam Powell... I guess its Screamo/Hardcore... I used to rock this album full blast when I was working in reception for the medi-cal transcription place and people walking by would think i was insane... "Are they murdering someone on record?" "No old lady, just screaming... duh!" This band has a good mix of real nice singing vocals and some guy blasting his throat... Graham and I used to do this style of vocals back in Reward Drive System. Guitars are real clean and tight. So if you can get behind some super throaty vocals, check this out.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Record a day. Day 28: Dave Matthews Band 'Crash'

of the first three major releases (under the table and dreaming, crash, before these crowded streets) I like this one the most. This one is real drum heavy and obviously they are known for Carter's skills. I remember the first time seeing these guys in 2001. Mike and I drove up to Dodger stadium and picked up Theresa on the way there in north county somewhere. I felt real out of place driving in to dodger stadium but it was cool when we got there. May 22nd 2001 to be exact... it was the day we moved in to our new apartment in El Cajon... driving home was a little tricky as my car started to over heat in the parking lot.... dangit!... i found that going 90+ mph kept enough current of air on the engine to keep it cool. I dont remember if I got a ticket but I did see a few cop cars on the way down.... im gonna assume I did. anyway... DMB = thumbs up!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Record a day. Day 27: Blink 182 'Cheshire cat'

Hometown heroes right here, I've only liked 2 groups before they got big...Blink and Against Me! and I dont care that people think they are sell outs or lost their roots or whatever... yeah, they could have more adult themes, whatever. I first heard this record through a friend that let me borrow it for a couple weeks and I think Jim was trying to figure out Carousel on the bass so I knew of them through him... it isnt necessarily my favorite album of theirs but does have some good riffs... and we still keep M&Ms in our set list so if you ever see us... just shout it to hear our version..

Friday, January 28, 2011

Record a day. Day 26: The Mars Volta 'Deloused in the comatorium'

You into Acid Jazz? well this aint that... You into Heroin Jazz? Well then this is for you... from the more creative side of At the Drive in comes The Mars Volta... Not their first release but their first full length. This is good for long drives or spacing out while listening to harder music... Real tight musicians but no real structure to their songs... You wont find a sing along chorus on this guy...you will need an online dictionary/thesaurus/google to figure out what he's talking about...this record is 100% balls to the wall. It comes close to being too ecentric but not yet. Try it out!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Record a day. Day 25: The Chinkees 'Peace through music'

Ok, so Ive been on a ska thing for a couple days... no big whoop. I got this last night actually.... its awesome... great sound... Mike Park of Skankin Pickle... his group after from late 90'2 early 2000's... asian pop ska... very similar to skankin pickle and bruce lee band but no horns..instead, a ragin organ.... if you are into Mike Park, or B.Lee band or Skankin pickle, then youprobably already have this.... but if not... get it!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Record a day. Day 24: Goldfinger 'Self titled'

Originally bought this in Washington DC. It was the first record I had with the punk/ska sound. It is mixed and recorded very well. and is a good mix of pop ska and pop punk. Never seen them live but saw the horn section a couple times... its the guys from Reel Big Fish... so its a nice brassy sound. I recomend this for anyone who misses 1996.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Record a day. Day 23: Bosstones 'Live from the Middle East'

I LOVE live records... not all the glamour that you can achieve in studios with overdubs and multiple takes and what not. This one has a lot of great cuts going all the bay back to the late 80's. Sometimes the live record isnt a good one if you are trying to listen to a new artist (IE. Fifteens' live record) and Im sure everyone has heard the bosstones from 'The impression that I get'... but if thats all youknow of them, get this record... You'll love it.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Record a day. Day 22: Against Me! 'Reinventing axl rose'

first heard these guys in like 2002 when I was working at a medical records place. I liked the use of the acoustic punk and then re-recordings to electric punk. Tom Gabel is a damn good songwriter... and while people may say that they have sold out, i dont believe that to be true... same song writing, just better quality recordings... I do pride myself on all the vinyl I have of these guys. Go out and pick some up... might as well start here.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Record a day. Day 21: Deftones 'Adrenaline'

First time hearing of these guys was when I saw them live. Warped tour 1998... I think it was the last year or second to last year that they had it at the del mar fair grounds...saw a guy coming out of the pit with his whole face and shirt bloody...but didnt look in pain... The first band I ever heard to actually scream in their songs (I had heard korn before but that isnt screaming compared to these guys). This album is a real clean recording, everything fits in it own pocket... you can distinctly make out bass doing something differnet than guitar.... I like that at times. a real metal sounding guitar, i dont listen to metal so I wouldnt classify these guys as that, but some good music.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Record a day. Day 20: Pinhead Gunpowder 'Carry the banner'

So im on a Billy Joe thing right now. I first heard these guys from a tape that was given to me by some co-worker of my moms when I was like a freshman... I didnt know who it was at first cause it was a compilation but i did like it. Its very poppy punk and like your standard lookout records sound... its good listen... Ssssssssssssssss -Oooo

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Record a day. Day 19: Alanis Morissette 'Supposed former infatuation junkie'

Yup, I went there... Alanis is such a great artist as a whole... yeah, she sings, not the greatest vocals but no where near the worst... her vulnerability and how she puts her whole self out there... awesome... ok so while writing this record it sounds like she is sleeping with her psychiatrist... oh well.... who ISNT sleeping with their psychaitrist? I mean really?!?!?! Professional boundaries? Nope! This one isnt that great if you are into melodies cause theres not many 'choruses' but I cant really describe how great this record is.... if you like listening to lyrics and stories and not necessarily melody (Similar to day 11 - The Hold Steady) then get this record.... Thank you clarity, thank you disillusionment!

Record a day. Day 18: Fifteen 'The choice of a new generation'

so im a day behind.... oops! I first got this on tape from Joe Nader to figure out some guitar parts... i totally remember listening to it on this yellow radio I had with my guitar in hand sittin on my bed ...tape paused.. hear the d chord, strum the d chord... hit play and hear the chord change and then slam pause real fast to try and get the pitch in my head... this was before I could really hear half steps, full steps, thirds, fifths... all the other intervals.... This was also the first time I heard of Jeff Ott... I remember in 99 or 2000 and Kristen was pregnant with Arissa we drove up to Mira Mesa to see Jeff Ott do an acoustic set at the Epicenter while promoting his first book. Good lyrics. Every album has the same songs on them chord progression wise... I get it... root, 3rd, 6th, 2nd to the 5th... same progressions... but its still a good record... What makes this record stand out from the other records from Fifteen is Mark Moreno.... he's not super amazing or creative, but I feel he is a real clean drummer... alot better than that blonde kid that was playing with them for the next couple albums....

Monday, January 17, 2011

Record a day. Day 17: The Network 'Money Money 2020'

a ficticious band of sorts, these guys play music in another group and dont give their real names. This record has a great New Wave kind of a sound. I found them when I was researching another fictious retro group that these guys are in. I think its an awesome and great idea... these guys are ballers and just put out records under random band names with random styles... under their own record label. Good job B.J.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Record a day. Day 16: Violent Femmes 'Hallowed ground'

this record is awkward to listen to... starts off with him killing his daughter, then hangs himself, then talks about him self in a shallow grave feeling the rain all around him, then goes around drowning someone who told his story... then for some reason Jesus walks on the water and cleanse's him of his sins, then he repents and apologizes.... Rapes some girl in an elevator and then dates a black girl... I think someone should go check Gordan Gano's back yard for some bones... A great songwriter and a good album.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Record a day. Day 15: Broadway Calls 'Self titled'

I saw this quote on a friends page and liked it, so I googled it and found these guys. A great pop punk record... a little edge and a lot of melody. Kinda like old Ataris. If you are into pop/punk...try it on for size.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Record a day. Day 14: Fugazi 'Steady diet of nothing'

First heard Fugazi at Waynes house but didnt immediatly pick up anything until later hearing Waiting Room on the radio. So I went to Music Trader on Clairemont Mesa Blvd to get 13 songs and saw this one there as well. It was payday so why not, get em both. track 2 really stuck out to me.... 'Hear our demands, we want control of our body' ... Reclamation stood in my head as an awesome song for so many years, and it wasnt until I read the lyrics JUST NOW when looking for this album cover that I realized it wasnt a Pro Choice song.... Still a great record! I dont think music trader on Clairemont mesa is there anymore, but they used to have a damn good selection. Try PB.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Record a day. Day 13: A Fine Frenzy "One Cell in the Sea"

Kristen got me on to this group. Well, its a girl, her piano and some guy on drums.... Its beautiful piano rock. Sultry voice and non standard drum beats. CHeck it out!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Record a day. Day 12: Drive like jehu "Self Titled"

Early 2000's I was looking for bands looking for a guitarist and every ad had influences listes as SDRE, ATDI, Jehu and JEW and if you didnt know the acronyms then dont bother responding... WTF? So I was intrigued to find out about these groups.. I got soem Drive Like Jehu... These guys were awesome... Post Hardcore/Math Rock from San Diego early 90's. I love the way they use the guitar as a paint brush of art instead of an instrument of power chords... the vocals are super throaty and you will now know what he is sayin unless you read the lyrics... Good Record!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Record a day. Day 11: The Hold Steady 'Stay Positive'

So as I get sick of music I start searching again... this one wasnt a hard find, I went to fm949sd.com and clicked on 'recommended' and found the Hold Steady. These guys are awesome. True Rock! Storytelling vocals that remind me of the Boss. and not just a story in a song, but over albums they refer back to the same characters so its like you know who they are talking about....the lyrics intertwine on new records with old records with stories of a girl who sees visions and a guy who hangs out with her. You want to hear some good story rock, pick up some Hold Steady!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Record a day. Day 10: Operation Ivy 'Energy'

I know, I know....I already have a Rancid album up, so why this one? Well I bought a bass today from Sean Con and it looks like Matt Freemans bass so I thought Id put this record up. This is another record that I first heard from Warren Rowe. It is considered a classic in the Ska-punk genre. Its a real simple, basic 3 chord songs but there are some great basslines going through the whole record. This is how I really learned to play ska ... not traditional, but the Tim Armstrong way... and I've followed Tim ever since. WHen Warren and I first met with Cale we were jammin out to Op-ivy to get a feel for each other. Go to ebay and pick it up on vinyl...pick-it-up, pick-it-up, pick-it-up, pick-it-up.....

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Record a day. Day 9: Refused 'The shape of punk to come'

They told me that the classics never go out of stlye, but they do...some how, baby, I never thought that we do too.... So I was in this band with Warren Rowe and Nick Norton in the early 2000's and Warren kept throwing new bands at me to see which ones would stick... I was in an emo Jimmy Eat World/Promise Ring phase so I didnt really go for the Refused at the time but Warren burned the disc for me anyway... picked it back up a couple years ago and then enjoyed the beauty in it. The energy, the throat, the noise-art. Capitalism is organized crime and we are all the victims...its hardcore music mixed with some electronic effects. I recommend this for anyone who is into music outside of the box.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Record a day. Day 8: Propagandhi "Less talk, More rock"

Pro Feminist, queer positive, anti fascist, animal friendly punk rock. Never bought this record, borrowed it from Cale in like 1998 and probably should return it to him some time soon. I remember driving around with Graham alot in his white car trying to get the first lyrics to 'Nation states' said while i was stuttering and mumbeling. This record is hard! Just because you are male doesnt mean you have to be the biggest jock and this life isnt a pole contest. Kinda made me feel guilty for being a white american male, but oh well... I'm just a stupid as anyone but I know my mistakes. Not necessarily their hardest record, but I like it.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Record a day. Day 7: Tapes n Tapes 'The Loon'

So I get sick of music real quick and always find myself looking for something new. One way I look is to take an artist that I already like (Thom Yorke) and find the label that they are on (XL recordings) and then find other artists from that label. This kind of thinking brought me to Tapes N Tapes. An indie rock group from minneapolis. I like how they base their songs around rythym hooks and not necessarilly guitar hooks. I like it cause its what my ignorant mind calls "Art rock". Check em out!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Record a day. Day 6: The Aquabats vs. the Floating eye of death

I used to think that the best aquabats record was the Fury of... since Travis barker was drumming on the album... but this one is actually becoming more of my favorite because of all the synthpop and Moogs and overly poppy melodies. I like that there are still horns but not really any ska parts. Good stuff! Get it, thank me later!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Record a day. Day 5: Spare Change 'Wake.Sleep.Volume'

July 5th 2003, At the drive-in was broken up and I saw that they had changed their name to "Sparta". (I didnt find out until later that they split and Mars Volta had the guys from ATDI that I liked) Sparta was playing at this club called "The Scene" and I had a couple bucks to go... "But Jesse, " you say, "Your daughter Mariah wasnt even a month old and you left your wife home alone with her?" Yeah, I was selfish back then... anyhoo... so I went to see Sparta. While I was in line I saw this homeless dude walking up and down the line talking to people... huge dreadclocks... beard that has been growin for years.. public enemy shirt..super skinny.. looks like he could use a big mac... anyway, he didnt come up to me.. went in saw an openeing act... saw "Noise Ratchet" (Pretty good little emo band) then the third band to come on had that homeless dude help them set up their amp.. Good for you man.. gainful employment! Turns out this band would be the hardest band Ive ever seen live... "Spare Change" The very first notes of the first song had the whole crowd screamin "Change" and only got more violent and intense from there... the homeless guy was actually in the band.. oops... awesome guitar play between both guitarist and that chick with the long hair on bass was pretty good too. I bought the disc that day... I didnt even want to stay for Sparta after that set. I dont think its in stores anymore but im sure you can get it somewhere...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Record a day, Day 4: The Flaming Lips 'At war with the mystics'

So I liked one song in the 90's, "She dont use jelly" but never got the album. Then while I was working at Sears a couple years ago, one of the songs on loop in the overhead was 'The yeah yeah yeah song' and I started thinking about the group. Sa naturally I got 'Transmissions from the satellite heart' as well as every single other album I could find ( I have a tendency to overindulge). I really like 'At war with the mystics'. I like how Wayne Coynes voice isnt real powerful and sounds like it could crack and shatter at any second. Theres a lot of great hooks on this record... its not based on chord progressions but based on little riffs that go 'doo doo- a doo doo- a doo doo'. If you are interested in music that isnt based on a scene or formula's or anything, listen to some Flaming Lips. Perhaps start with this selection.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Record a day. Day 3: Sunny Day Real Estate 'How it feels to be something on'

Since its raining, I thought SDRE would be a good choice but didnt want to go with the obvious 'Diary' album. I love the off rythyms on this album and some of the long droning style intros. Its not a pop record but if you get into the songs long enough some great lines pop out with some energy. Check it out!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Record a day. Day 2: At the Drive-in 'Relationship of command'

We were living in our first apartment in 2000 and had just found MTV2 where they used to play music videos. I saw this video of these guys playing live throughout europe and whatnot and all the screaming was awesome. The music was incredible. at the end I saw thier name.. At the Drive-in... SOLD! where can I get this? Went to Wherehouse music in Grossmont (Now is Hanger 94) and all the CDs there were $17.99 and this guy, brand new, was $9.99. I appreciated that as well.. remember when CDs got so expensive? This is a great album with excellent use of two guitars... one holdin rhythm and another for noise.. Get it

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Photo a day. Day 31: Record a day.

So I was thinking that its hard to take a new photo each and everyday.. especially when all I do is ride my bike to work in the rain... I get it, you get it.. its raining.. how many beers do I need to drink in a week... yadda yadda yadda.... but i do like music... so for January, Ill do record of the day. Talk about when I first got the record/heard it. Why I like it/dislike it. you know.. the same old boring stuff. So without further ado... Day one: Rancid...and out come the wolves! I remember the first time hearing the whole album was from a tape that I got from Eric Stellick... it didnt have "Junkie Man" on the tape (cause you can only fit so many songs on one side of the tape or the other) So I got so used to it going from the track before to the track afterwards that when I got the CD it was all weird to me... why is someone scratchin records on this punk record... but from cut one to nineteen, this record is filled with pop melody and taught me a lot about how to throw 3 chords together and just float some words on the top.

Photo a day. Day 30: Happy New Year

Kristen made these new years hats for everyone but she made sure to not leave out the american girl dolls. We celebrated with New York and our new year started at 9pm. Happy new year!